An Intention for These Times: Presence, Clarity, Compassion, and Creativity

by | Feb 22, 2020

(Written in February 2020, this is a reflection during the initial phases of the evolving covid-19 situation.)

This pandemic is not the first, nor is it likely the last, to threaten the survival of the human species. Throughout history, humanity has faced natural disasters (floods, plagues, earthquakes, fires, famines), human disasters (wars, attempted genocides, and other human atrocities), and/or a combination of intended/ unintended consequences of human activity (pollution, oil spills, nuclear meltdowns, toxic environmental burdens). It is likely that we can all name someone in our extended families whose lives were turned upside down by one or more of these events.

The current pandemic, the moment to moment changing conditions, all the unknowns, the barrage of information and updates – can feel totally overwhelming! When I am overwhelmed, my fight and flight system is on overdrive. I can’t think straight. Making a decision or knowing what to do can feel impossible.

My intention for these days: Presence, Clarity, Compassion, and Creativity.

Presence – May I take time to notice my feet touching the ground. May I take three of four slow deep breaths and notice how I am feeling now. Right now. May I see all my swirling emotions and chaotic thoughts – acknowledge them and give them a moment or two to settle. May I tune in to my “heart” and connect in gratitude with those life-giving relationships in my life.

Clarity – As my thoughts and feelings settle out and I become more present. May I see clearly that which is before me here and now. May I discern if and when/ where there is something to do or to refrain from doing.

Compassion – May I have compassion for myself, for my loved ones, and for the whole human family, and actually for all life on this planet – for we are all deeply interconnected. Let wise compassion guide my thoughts and actions.

Creativity – And as I am fully present to Life and to the Source of Life, may I draw deeply from the well of delight and creativity with ways to see each inconvenience and limitation as an opportunity. Yes, this is a challenge. It’s not fair. It is hard. We are all touched by these times. We may not escape unscathed. We are in this together.

In the midst of this pandemic, we have seen evidence of those trying to take advantage of panic. We are seeing the heavy toll this is taking on our healthcare providers and the healthcare systems. And we are also seeing people taking care of each other, people being responsible even when inconvenienced, and people finding ways to connect even while keeping the prescribed physical distance. Let’s take good care of ourselves, our loved ones, and all of creation.

(Originally posted by Bio Energy Medical Center)